Tuesday, 24 July 2012

My first proper Zentangle!

Hi folks, I' thought I'd give you an update as to how I'm getting on with my tangling. I've been practising a bit more, working through the set of Zentangle books by Suzanne McNeill. I am moving through Book 3 now, and so felt that it ws probably time to try a Zentangle of my own rather than just copying what is in the books.

Over on the Chocolate Baroque Ning group, we have a Zentangle group. We have set ourselves the challenge over a couple of weeks, of drawing a Zentangle with a 'Z' string. We are a newly formed group, so we decided to start ourselves off gently. I decided to use patterns in my design that I really liked, so I chose Pokeroot to use for the string itself; this is a leaf design which you can draw in a cluster, or as a winding length. I used Trentwith, an Art Nouveau design with a Rennie Macintosh rose in the pattern. I also chose Facets, as I love to add the shading to this one, and Yincut because it is so relaxing to draw. Finally, I added Swirls for its free flowing nature.

I took my time drawing this design, it was meant to be my practice piece, as it is still in my drawing book, not on a piece of watercolour paper. However, it turned out better than I expected. It's not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but hey, that's what I aspire to. I love looking at some of the fabulous artwork out there and I am inspired. I'll just keep practising in the meantime.

Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. I love the look of those Mackintosh roses & your lovely use of the leaves & their joining to form the "z" element. I've only just finished the patterns in the Basics book so this really spurs me on & to get to grips with the shading. The mix of geometrical & organic is terrific in this. You're really proving to me how important the copying is - it gives such a foundation to work upon.
    I've sta & gazed & gazed at this .
    Paula (PEP)

  2. I just love your mixture of curvy and geometric patterns in this and using that pokeroot for the 'z' is such a great idea and so effective. It is interesting that there are no solid black areas in this design yet there is still variety of tone.

  3. Very beautifull I love this!!!

